Getting in your 5 a day can be a difficult task. However the Eatwell Guide shows us that we can in fact get more from our 5 a day in the foods we already eat. Frozen, tinned and fresh vegetables all count towards your 5 a day. This means sauces made from tinned tomatoes, microwave packet vegetables and everything you see in your local produce department all count!
Sugar from refined sources such as sweets, chocolate and fizzy drinks are considered empty calories. This means that these foods hold no nutritional value what so ever. Reducing sugar is an excellent way to become healthier. Switching to low sugar cereals at breakfast times would be highly advantageous as well as reducing fizzy drinks and opting for low sugar cordial, water and low fat milk. Sugar is important to a healthy lifestyle and our children’s recommended intake should be met by eating fruit.
Children require their own amount of food which is appropriate to them. This is called portion control. Portion control allows children to consume the right amount of food without over eating. To learn more about portion control, check out our portion control section here.