5 a Day - Growing Healthy

5 a Day

5-A-Day is a message most of us are familiar with. It simply means that we should aim for 5 portions of fruits and vegetables each day to keep our bodies nourished with fibre and various different vitamins and minerals. We would recommend that you aim to have slightly more vegetables than fruit to make up your 5-A-Day. This can be easily achieved by splitting it into 3 portions of vegetables and 2 portions of fruit each day. This may sound like a lot if you are not a fruit and vegetable lover but you may already be closer to achieving this than you think! You may be wondering what counts towards a portion but it really is quite simple; fresh, tinned, frozen and dried varieties all count. If you prefer to buy tinned fruit and vegetables try to go for those in natural juices or water. When choosing dried fruits remember that these were once a whole fruit so our portion size is slightly smaller (30g) due to the high sugar content. Fruit juice also counts towards our 5-A-Day but try to limit your portion to 150ml.

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